Municipal Law
Our Firm’s municipal law practice includes providing general and special counsel representation to various units of local government, including municipalities, park districts, forest preserve districts, townships, fire protection districts, mental health commissions, housing authorities, a council of government, public boards and commissions, and governmental authorities. Our Firm has also acted as U.S. Real Estate Counsel to a State in Mexico. Our Firm serves as general or special counsel to units of local government with combined annual budgets in excess of $1,000,000,000.00.
Areas of Experience
- Rendering advice to elected officials, officers and governmental department heads
- Drafting all ordinances and resolutions necessary to enact public policy and legislative deliberations
- Prosecuting ordinances including traffic, zoning and liquor license violations
- Drafting and reviewing contracts
- Negotiating water distribution contracts
- Consulting on fire and police commission matters
- Acting as Administrative Hearing Officer
- Preparing Requests for Proposals (RFP) and Requests for Qualifications (RFQ)
- Attending regular and special meetings of governing bodies
- Advising with respect to the Freedom of Information Act and Open Meetings Act issues
- Counseling with respect to public bidding and contracting matters
- Drafting and reviewing subdivision/consolidation petitions and zoning boards of appeal applications
- Annexing real property